Document Type : Original Article


University and Science and Culture, Tehran, Iran


The relationship between intelligence and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) has been investigated by a large number of researchers in adolescent students. It has been proven a positive correlation between intelligence and GAD. However, there are several reports based on negative correlation between intelligence and GAD. This is due to the presence of other influential factors. These factors include genetic factors, social and environmental agents, family conditions, individual characteristics, and temperament of the students. It seems that less attention has been paid to the effects of student temperament on the intelligence and GAD. In this study, 40 intelligent students in gifted school have been examined for GAD by classroom anxiety measure (CAM) test and its relationship with temperament. During six months, these students were evaluated from the aspect of the educational performance, mental and psychological conditions, temperament, and personal and family problems. The results were remarkable and showed a meaningful relationship between some temperaments such as melancholic and sanguine temperament with the GAD occurrence in adolescent students. Likewise, this study showed that intelligent students with choleric temperament are less prone to GAD. It was further found that there is a significant relationship between three elements of intelligence, hot temperament (both melancholic and sanguine), and GAD.


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