Document Type : Original Article


Department of Research and Development, UOP, USA


In this study, new teaching methods in primary schools have been investigated. Although the use of old and traditional teaching methods such as question and answer method, lecture, demonstration, etc. still has its own uses, but with the advancement of science and technology, there is a need to use new teaching methods are felt more and relying only on traditional teaching methods will not have the necessary effectiveness and efficiency in the teaching and learning process. In modern methods and education, students' activity in class and their all-round growth is more important. Traditional teaching methods were the result of a one-dimensional view of education, and the teacher was considered as the only provider of information and its transfer to the student. In these methods, the emphasis was on obtaining a better situation in the output of students. Concerning the continuous changes and progress of knowledge every day, and on the other hand, the increasing importance of individual capabilities along with scientific information, teaching methods in the elementary school must be changed. In the following, we have explained some of the best methods of teaching elementary school, which you can learn using various workshops and training courses. On the other hand, it should be noted that despite the advantages of these methods, a single model cannot be used in education for all courses.


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